
7 Lifestyle Changes to Help Reduce Snoring and Improve Sleep Quality

Jun 20th 2023

Are you tired of waking up groggy and exhausted after another restless night plagued by snoring? So is your partner! But what if I told you that a few simple lifestyle changes could dramatically reduce your snoring, and transform both your sleep quality and relationship for the better? Get ready to …

What Is the Difference Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Jun 11th 2023

What is Snoring?It is more than likely that everyone has snored during some night at some point in their lives. It's a very common thing that happens while sleeping. However, there needs to be some clarification on snoring. For some, chronic snoring may be alarming because they fear it may be a sign …

What is a Zyppah mouthpiece used for?

Jun 11th 2023

This question can be answered in one sentence. A Zyppah mouthpiece is used to help stop people from snoring. There all done. Time to read something else? Not really. After all, aren't you curious about how it does that exactly? Snoring does seem like one of those facts of life. People snore, and b …

Why Should I Use a Mouthpiece for Snoring?

Jun 11th 2023

Everyone, at some point, has spent a night snoring, whether they realize it or not. It is so common that many of us dismiss it as something that is not that important. That it is just a minor inconvenience to try and sleep through. However, snoring can lead to a poor night’s sleep for the snorer and …

Zyppah: Does It Work for Snoring?

Jun 11th 2023

The noises you make when sleeping may not bother you, as you are fast asleep, but what about those who sleep next to you? Or even down the hall? Many different types of products claim to work to stop those evening noises in their tracks. But do they work? This is a question often asked of our produc …

The Zyppah Snoring Mouthpiece

Jun 6th 2023

The world of wellness is a vast and variable one. Trends and products pop up as frequently as dandelions in spring, constantly adding to and evolving the landscape that is this incredibly important (and profitable) industry. However, many trends' legitimacy and subsequent products are not always cle …