Q: What is the smallest/most comfortable/most unobtrusive/most effective oral appliance on the market right now? I know I’m asking for it all, but, I like having the best. (Johnny S.)
A: Hi Johnny! For an over the counter solution, my favorite product is the Zyppah. Now, please understand that I am incredibly biased, being the creator of the mouthpiece. For a time I was frustrated. There wasn't an optimal oral appliance for consumers to use to stop their snoring without going to go see a doctor. My undergraduate degree is in biomedical engineering from Syracuse, and as a dentist who has been exclusively treating snoring and sleep apnea for the last 15years and treated thousands of patients- I believe that I have developed the Zyppah to be the best. Comfortable, safe and effective. In fact the Zyppah mouthpiece is the only consumer mouthpiece that has done a clinical study and that clinical study demonstrated a 91% rate of effectiveness, and so that is my go-to answer.