
What is a Zyppah mouthpiece used for?

Jun 11th 2023

This question can be answered in one sentence. A Zyppah mouthpiece is used to help stop people from snoring. There all done. Time to read something else? Not really. After all, aren't you curious about how it does that exactly? Snoring does seem like one of those facts of life. People snore, and birds fly. It's just the way of things. So, why would a mouthpiece made to help people stop snoring be such a big deal? Well, if you are curious (and we can't blame you if you are), then read on to learn more about Zyppah.

Understanding Snoring

Let's start by defining the problem that Zyppah is trying to solve: snoring and all of the issues that come with it. Snoring happens when you get a little too relaxed. If you have muscles that relax too much, specifically the muscles in the mouth and around the throat, they can block the airway. The tongue and jaw are both particularly guilty of this. It's usually not so much that you can't breathe entirely, but it is enough to make the air squeeze its way past. This is what makes that rattling sound we know as snoring. The air vibrates the muscles and tissues, blocking the airway as it tries to reach your lungs.

Impacts of Snoring

Emotional and Interpersonal Impact

But that's not that big of a deal. Who is it hurting if you make a little noise in your sleep? Well, it could hurt many people, including yourself. But before we get into the health problems related to snoring, let's talk about the emotional and interpersonal issues.
 snoring impact on relationships
Snoring can cause a lack of sleep for both the snorer and those sleeping (or trying to sleep) near the snorer. This can lead to mood swings and just general crankiness. That is always challenging to get along with.

Physical Health Impact

So, snoring may put a strain on your relationships. But did you know that it can also set a strain on your health? Snoring, even just basic snoring not caused by sleep apnea, could increase your chances of bigger issues like heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

 physical impact of snoring
But these same issues and more can be caused by sleep apnea, which has snoring as one of its symptoms. Sleep apnea causes gaps in breathing during sleep. As we don't even need to point out, not breathing isn't good. A lack of oxygen getting to the brain can lead to many problems.

The Zyppah Solution

 anti-snoring device
So, snoring is a much bigger issue than many people realize. It's also incredibly common. Most people have snored at least a handful of times in their lives. For some, it's just when they've been sick or have had allergies that congestion is blocking the airway. In these instances, the snoring goes away once the congestion does. But for others, snoring is a chronic condition that could cause many problems. So, how does Zyppah help avoid these issues?

The Design and Efficiency of Zyppah

There are many, many anti-snoring devices out there. From devices that correct your jaw to chin straps to anti-snoring pillows, they vary in shape, size, and efficiency. Zyppah is one of the best ones out there. We are biased, but there is evidence to back it up. But before discussing that, let's talk about how Zyppah works.

The Unique Approach of Zyppah

Most snoring mouthpieces are called mandibular advancement devices (MADs). MADs work by moving your jaw forward so it can't block the airway. While this does work well, there are more comfortable options. It can cause your teeth to shift position and may cause pain in your jaw. Zyppah is different. It focuses on the tongue instead of the jaw. Using our patented Z-Factorâ„¢, the strap in the Zyppah acts almost like a seatbelt. It comfortably keeps your language in place. It does this without making you change the position of your jaw. That way, you don't have to worry about the health of your teeth.

FDA-Backed Information on Zyppah

How do we know that the Zyppah works? We know because it has been tested. In 2019 the Zyppah was included in a study looking at several anti-snoring devices. Out of all of the participants in the survey, 91% reported having snored less while using Zyppah. Meanwhile, no serious issues were reported, as less than 1% reported having problems with the fit of Zyppah. Those are some incredible results, but we're not surprised. Zyppah is pretty great.

Understanding the Fit and Trial Options

Speaking of fit, it is good to know that many people who use our product report it is a little odd initially. Having something foreign like that in the mouth can cause discomfort and even gagging. However, those who report this discomfort also tend to report that the pain disappears after a little while. You just need to get used to it. We recommend wearing it for an hour or so daily to help you get used to it. If that doesn't work for you, then it's okay. We have a 90-day guarantee. If you still don't feel comfortable 90 days after buying your Zyppah, you can return it for a full refund! So, in all reality, you run no risk trying Zyppah.

Zyppah Products and Company Image

Feeling ready to give Zyppah a shot? Then check out our shop page. We carrier Zyppah in multiple colors, so you can find one to fit your taste. Plus, we also carrier our Zyppah cleaning solution to help keep things fresh and hygienic. Check out our testimonials if you still need convincing after reading this article. It is understandable to be skeptical, but you don't have to take our word for how great our product is. You can read hundreds of reviews of our product to help you understand just why people love Zyppah so much.

Zyppah: An Excellent CPAP Appliance Alternative

For those struggling with snoring and sleep apnea, it's important to note that Zyppah offers an excellent alternative to traditional CPAP machines. CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a common sleep apnea treatment requiring wearing a mask over your nose and mouth while you sleep. However, many people find this uncomfortable or inconvenient. Zyppah, on the other hand, is a simpler, more comfortable option that can significantly reduce snoring and improve sleep quality.


So, the Zyppah mouthpiece is an innovative plastic appliance designed to keep your airway open, thereby reducing or eliminating snoring. With a track record of success, positive reviews, and a trial period, there's every reason to consider trying it and see if it can positively affect your sleep and overall well-being.