
Does Zyppah Work?

Jan 12th 2024

You may or may not be shocked to learn that about 90 million Americans snore occasionally. Likewise, you may or may not be surprised to learn that about 37 million Americans snore regularly. In effect, snoring is quite an epidemic. While you may associate snoring with the obnoxious noise that can be oh-so-humorous in movies and oh-so infuriating in real life, there is much more to snoring than its role in comedy or contention.

Snoring is an actual, diagnosable sleep disorder that afflicts many people. It is a very real issue that can be very detrimental to someone’s physical and mental well-being, as well as to their relationships! It’s no surprise, then, that so many people seek out a solution to their snoring problem. There is a multitude of products on the market and, to be frank, a multitude that doesn’t quite work. While many products at a glance seem like they might, you will quickly find their efficacy to be questionable once you begin digging around for proof.

One such product that does have the research to support its claims is Zyppah’s snoring mouthpiece. But before we get into why exactly Zyppah works and what makes it stand out from its competitors, let’s get some background information.

What Is Snoring?

Snoring is not just the notorious night monster you know too well. Yes, it’s characterized by that grating sound keeping you up in the middle of the night, but it’s much more than that. Snoring is a legitimate sleep disorder that is primarily caused by a blockage of the airway. While there are many factors related to snoring, the main culprit is the relaxing that takes place when you sleep.

You see, when you lay down and drift into your slumber, your entire body also takes a rest. This includes your throat, the roof of your mouth, and your tongue. The tongue, in particular, is a major culprit. As it relaxes, it falls backward and, for many people, creates a blockage that prevents air from flowing freely into your throat’s air passage. The result is basically turbulence. The air’s path is disrupted and, in effect, vibrates off the muscles, creating the gravelly, roaring sound called snoring.

Why Is Snoring Bad?

Snoring is not just bad for the person sleeping near you who has to endure it. It can also be problematic for the snorer’s wellness. In some cases, snoring can be so bad that it wakes the snorer up, disrupting their sleep pattern and creating some potentially harmful damage. It can be linked to headaches, chest pains, drowsiness, memory issues, depression, behavioral problems in children, and, in severe cases, sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep condition in which the air passage becomes nearly or entirely blocked during sleep, resulting in moments where breathing stops. Not only is this disruptive to sleep, but it can also wreak havoc on someone’s health. When breathing stops, it reduces the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream. This, in turn, means less oxygen to the brain. Concurrently, a build-up of carbon dioxide takes place. This can lead to many health issues, including brain damage. While all people who snore do not necessarily have OSA, many do. They are two interconnected conditions that often coexist. As a result, some people find that when they treat their snoring, they also treat their OSA.

What Snoring Products Are There?

As mentioned, there are a variety of products aimed at stopping this pesky problem. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines are often used in severe cases, particularly with OSA. However, they are costly and, given that they are advanced medical devices, require a lot of maintenance. They are also relatively cumbersome. The machine requires the wearer to fix a mask over their mouth, which is attached to a tube that runs to the machine. This is how air is pumped into the mouth to assure that enough oxygen is continuously entering the airway passage and reaching the brain.

Some less expensive and technologically complex methods include chinstraps, snoring pillows, and mouthpieces. Now, chinstraps are relatively ineffective. If you take a moment to research or read our own article on the efficacy of chinstraps, you can see for yourself. Given what we now know about snoring and what causes it, it’s not hard to figure out why a strap forcing the mouth shut might be ineffective (or even problematic) at preventing an air blockage in the throat. Snoring pillows are a nice idea in theory, especially since, in action, it seems quite comfortable. The idea is to keep the head from falling back, and thus prevent the tongue from falling back. The issue here is that we move during sleep. There is no guarantee that someone will remain perfectly in position for the pillow to work.

So, that leaves mouthpieces, which is the category in which Zyppah’s snoring mouthpiece falls under. There are two kinds of mouthguards: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) and Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs). The first works by pulling the jaw forward in an effort to prevent blockage. While this can work, it can also lead to some nasty side effects. Because of the pressure, MADs can sometimes cause teeth to shift, leading to the need for some dental work down the road. As well it can cause jaw and teeth soreness.

TDRs, which is what Zyppah’s mouthpiece is, work by preventing the tongue from falling back. Each device has its differences and its claims of efficacy, but Zyppah stands out amongst the rest.

Why Does Zyppah Work?

Zyppah’s snoring device targets the root of the issue: the tongue. The mouthpiece acts as a sort of seatbelt, preventing the tongue from falling backward and creating a blockage in the throat. While all products can say they work, Zyppah can prove it. In a clinical study, Zyppah stopped snoring for 91% of participants with no negative side effects. Among that 9%, the issue was ultimately a gagging sensation triggered by the brain’s registry of an unfamiliar object. While this happens sometimes, nearly everyone finds that if they leave the device in a couple of hours before bed, and continue to use the device every night, the sensation goes away within a week.

So, if you’re looking for an anti-snoring device that works, look no further. Don’t take it from us; check out the study and see for yourself why Zyppah works!