
Chin Strap for Snoring: Does It Work? - Expert Analysis & Review

May 11th 2023

Are you tired of your or your partner's snoring ruining your night's sleep? If you're searching for a solution to this frustrating problem, you might have come across the chin strap for snoring.

In this article, we'll dive deep into snoring, exploring its causes, effects, and various treatment options, including the controversial chin strap. We'll also discuss alternative solutions, such as CPAP machines and Zyppah's snoring mouthpiece, to help you determine the best course of action for a peaceful night's sleep. So, if you're ready to tackle snoring head-on and reclaim your rest, keep reading to discover the most effective treatments available today.

The Impact of Snoring on Health

Snoring Impact

Snoring is not only annoying, but it's also detrimental! And not just detrimental to the people sleeping near the snorer but to the snorer's mental and physical health. That's why so many people turn to anti-snoring products to treat their nighttime ailments. One such product is the infamous chin strap, a unique and somewhat scary-looking approach to this common condition. When it comes to wellness, though, unappealing looks can be forgiven and forgotten after just one good night's rest, that is, if the product works.

Understanding Snoring and Its Causes

Before we dive in and learn about the chin strap for snoring, let's get some background information and find out why it's so important to understand the efficacy of the anti-snoring products available today.

What is snoring?

Snoring Anatomy

Snoring is not just your significant other's worst enemy. It is a legitimate medical condition that afflicts roughly 90 million Americans at least sometimes and a whopping 37 million regularly. While there are a number of possible factors related to snoring, the major cause is quite simple: air blockage.

When the body rests, so do its' muscles. This means all the muscles, from the tip of your toes to the tip of your well tongue! During sleep, the roof of the mouth, throat, and tongue all relax, which can cause a blockage of air. As breathing automatically takes place, the air vibrates against the obstructive muscle tissues and produces the unpleasant sound known as snoring.

Effects of Snoring on Health

Snoring Effects

Aside from the sound, which can negatively impact both your and your significant other's sleep, snoring is linked to high blood pressure, exhaustion, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and pauses in breathing during sleep. The gaps in breathing in conjunction with snoring indicate another related sleep condition known as Obtrusive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

Obtrusive Sleep Apnea and Treatment Options

OSA is characterized by moments during sleep where breathing nearly stops or stops altogether. This can harm a person's health, as the pause reduces the body's oxygen saturation. This means the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream and reaching the brain is lowered, triggering a carbon dioxide buildup. Essentially, the brain is cut off from air and momentarily suffocates.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machines


People diagnosed with OSA sometimes rely on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines to ensure the air passages stay open during sleep. In doing so, they also put an end to their snoring. It is no surprise, then, that some treatments for snoring can also treat OSA. But is a chin strap one of them?

Chin Straps for Snoring: Do They Work?

A chin strap is just one of many approaches to treating snoring. It supposedly works by holding the chin up and keeping the mouth closed during sleep, effectively trapping sound from being released. Based on what we've learned about snoring, a few red flags should be popping up now.

As we know, snoring is caused by air blockage. While a chin strap might keep the mouth closed, this does absolutely nothing to treat the blockage. The air is still very much obstructed; the sound is harder to escape. As we also know, sound can emit through the nose! Unless a new chin strap is developed to block the nasal passage, cutting off not just one but all of your breathing airways, the phlegmy rattling can still find its way out and ring and ring into the night! Hopefully, the irony is not lost here, as this should all seem rather obvious (and a bit ridiculous) to anyone who knows anything about snoring.

Studies and Analysis of Chin Straps

Research on the chin strap for snoring techniques has also found it to be a bit ridiculous! A clinical study reported chin straps to be ineffective in treating snoring, OSA, mild OSA, and disordered sleep breathing. In other words, they didn't work. Period.

Alternative Anti-Snoring Solutions

You might be asking yourself, if not chin straps, then what? If you conduct a quick search on the web, you'll see many anti-snoring products, all claiming to end snoring and, ultimately, improve your quality of sleep and life. Often, these are big promises backed by very little evidence. However, some products deliver on their promise, and since we cited the research behind chin straps, it's only fair that the product we endorse is held to the same scientific standard.

CPAP Machines and Their Effectiveness

Cpap machine As mentioned, CPAP machines are one proven method to treat OSA and snoring. However, they are legitimate medical machines that can be expensive, costing over five hundred times! They're also much more complex than other, more affordable anti-snoring products. The user wears a mask fed by a tube attached to the machine. Air is pumped through tubes and masks to keep the airways open and the body properly oxygenated. It must be plugged in near your bed, kept in the correct settings, maintained, and cleaned as with other high-tech medical equipment. While for some (particularly those with different breathing-related medical conditions), this is the safest and best option. However, a more economical, effective, low-maintenance product is preferred for most snorers.

Zyppah's Snoring Mouthpiece: An Effective Alternative

Zyppah's snoring mouthpiece fits the mold here. It's like a mouthguard designed for safe sleep, with a nifty seatbelt-type feature for your tongue. It targets the root cause of snoring by preventing the tongue from falling back and blocking the air passage. Much like the CPAP machine, Zyppah's efficacy is backed by research. A clinical study found it to be 91% effective for participants. No adverse effects were noticed, and fewer than 1% reported issues with the appliance's fit. While speaking with a medical professional when determining the best treatment options for you is always recommended, we can certainly come to at least one.

Conclusion: Chin strap for snoring, nay. Zyppah for sleeping, yay!