
Anti Snoring Device


Many Americans suffer from snoring, and a large group of them don't realize how serious and detrimental the condition can be to their health and well-being. Zyppah's anti snoring device is specially designed to combat the root cause of snoring and sleep apnea, all while being comfortable and easy-to-use.

What causes snoring?

Many people wrongly believe that the root cause of snoring has to do with the nose. However, if this were the case, then people who snore while they were asleep would continue to snore while they were awake. Instead, the actual root cause of snoring while asleep is your tongue. Just like your biceps or triceps, your tongue is a muscle.

When you fall asleep, just like other muscles throughout your body, your tongue begins to relax. As it relaxes, it falls to the back of your throat. As you breathe, air struggles to make it through the now narrowed gap, which causes it to be more turbulent and produce the iconic snoring sound. This is why individuals who sleep on their backs are far more prone to snoring that those who sleep on their sides- the tongue quite easily falls into the back of your mouth when sleeping on your back as opposed to on your side.

Another reason for snoring is your jaw. Just as your tongue and other muscles in your body relax when you sleep, the muscles in your jaw do as well. While this happens, the jaw begins to move backwards, and if it moves too far back, then it begins to block your airway. This also causes you to experience more turbulent air while breathing. 

It's important to identify the root causes of snoring and address them accordingly. This is why Zyppah has an anti snoring device, but more on that in a minute.

What anti snoring devices are there?

There are a few different varieties of anti snoring devices, and they can be broken down into three main categories: Tongue Stabilizing Devices (TSDs), Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs), and Chin Straps.

TSDs focus on addressing the issues relating to the tongue. A strap-like device is used to keep the tongue in place and prevent it from falling into the back of the mouth and throat when it begins to relax. 

MADs, instead, address the jaw rather than the tongue. These devices gently push the lower jaw forward, ensuring that it doesn't travel so far back that it begins to block your airway. These types of devices are good alternatives to TSDs for individuals that have dental problems, find TSDs to be uncomfortable, and produce too much saliva when using a TSD. 

Lastly, we have Chin Straps. These are simply worn and work by essentially holding the jaw in place- preventing it from relaxing backwards as you sleep. These are not ideal as the amount of research regarding them is not quite as widespread as the other options.

Zyppah's Anti Snoring Device

Zyppah offers a unique combination of TSDs and MADs, in that the mouthpiece helps softly pull the lower jaw forward and utilizes a strap to hold the tongue in place. In a study, 91% of participants reported the device to be effective. While some do experience some discomfort when initially using the mouthpiece, it is to be expected. Wearing the device while awake for a short time before bed will help you become accustomed to it and will help you feel more comfortable with it.  

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